Henry "Hank" Abromson Makes the News On Behalf of the Fort Detrick Alliance
On Thursday, February 22, 2018, the Fort Detrick Alliance held its quarterly networking breakfast at Hood College, in part, to discuss...

What You Need To Know About Maryland's New Mandatory Sick Leave Law (with readiness checklist)
Recently, my friend and colleague, Amanda Haddaway, founder of HR Answerbox, sent me a great article with checklist that she wrote...

Henry "Hank" Abromson On The Uncapped Podcast
I thought I would relive my 15 minutes of fame when I appeared on the Uncapped Podcast last Fall to discuss legal issues in the world of...

How Copyright Can Play the Role of Trademark's Robin.
Did he really just use a Batman reference while talking about intellectual property protection? Yes…yes, I did. And while this fact may...

How To Select the Perfect Entity for Your Small Business.
Starting a new business can be a scary experience. There are so many questions to be answered. How will I fund the business? Who will...